Tag Archives : MDA

Business Model and the Enterprise Motivation Model

The business model tools becomes sometimes very complex.


Can we create a good business model using any of the the following meta-models?  During this post, I will introduce 4 approaches, I’ll show some of the diagrams used by those approaches finally I will conclude with a different approach that provides us the MDA tools.


The Business Motivation Models approaches are:

IBM approach to the logical progression through the Business Motivation Model diagram.

IBM approach to the logical progression through the Business Motivation Model diagram.

Obviously, it is possible to create a good business model using any of those techniques; however, some complexity could be raised if we don’t plan a road map how to accomplish our goal. Following a sequence of steps, it could help us.

TOGAF is more centered on the IT Architecture supporting the business services, on the other side, the OMG specification BMM version 1.1 focus more on the Means and Ends. In the middle, the IBM rational library implementing OMG’s BBM specification, mapping the Ends with the Use Cases and, later on, each use case could be mapped with the implementations (this is the power of the MDA tools).
Those models have a good approach, and could be very useful. However, I prefer the approach from the Enterprise Business Motivation Model. This complex model is strong enough, that it contains the popular Business Model Canvas.
Enterprise Business Model

Below  I will show you some diagrams that represents some different views of the Business Motivation Model. As you will see, the complexity is huge!

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Don’t underestimate the power of the MDA tools to simplify the process to achieve complex tasks as we can find during the phase to create a Business Model. And please, try to answer (or ask) the question: What fxxk business motivation is solving the use case, task, activity, we are performing?